Effectively budget for your marketing as a small business.

Effectively budget for your marketing as a small business. An easy step-by-step guide for businesses to budget for marketing and how much you should spend on each marketing activities. This article is for entrepreneurs and small to medium-size business owners who are looking to craft a budget that will produce the desired results and who […]
5 Marketing Tips for Small Businesses during COVID19

1st of April 2020, April Fool’s Day – you’re anxiously awaiting someone to announce that the lockdown was a joke and you can go on with your business, but no, it’s real. You may have had to close shop for these 21 days but that doesn’t mean your marketing should. If anything, your online presence […]
10 brands to draw inspiration from during Covid-19

As a start-up entrepreneur, COVID-19 may have hit you hard – in terms of marketing and online presence, you may be wondering how and why you should continue. The idea of being active on social media might seem useless to you if you’re not going to be making any sales. Perhaps you’re even contemplating continuing […]
2020 – The Year of the Online Generation

The demand for video communication apps such as Skype and Zoom has reached their highest. Instagram has extended its Live session to an hour; you can now save your live sessions to your Instagram TV and you can now go live from YouTube. If anything, this pandemic has bred a whole new generation of on-the-go […]
Black Out Tuesday – Social Media Activism

The 2nd of June 2020 saw social media blackened by the #BlackOutTuesday – a movement sparked by the violent police brutality which led to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Thousands of social media users and celebrities posted black squares on Instagram as a token of advocacy to show their support against the merciless […]
What’s Up with WhatsApp? New Features to Look out for

If not the most cost-effective form of keeping in touch with friends, family and colleagues, WhatsApp has become a staple for every South African for messages and video communication. We can all agree that the lockdown has forced many social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Zoom and MS Teams to up their game in […]
Influencer Marketing during Lockdown

What was once considered a 3-week lockdown is now entering its 4th month. While COVID only came to South Africa’s shores in March, it was assumed by many that it would not cause as much havoc as it was in countries like China and Italy. Businesses had to revisit their budgets and prepare for the […]
Cloud Computing – Head in the cloud

Ever heard that with cloud storage, your information gets stored in an invisible storage cloud that is inaccessible to humans since “it’s out of reach”? Well, partially. Cloud computing is a network of servers hosted remotely on the internet which offers an enormous amount of storage space and security which available at any time. The […]
Out with the Old and In with the New – Social Media trends in SA

As we say goodbye to Winter and welcome the warm tones of Spring, it would be a good idea to look at the trends that kept us entertained throughout the year. We saw the rise of TikTok, Instagram Lives, video conferencing Apps such as Zoom and House Party and trends that kept many across the […]
Extra, Extra, Read all about it. Or not?

“The year is 2020. Breaking News no longer forms part of a newspaper article being sold at the robot for R2.50, it’s being announced on Twitter at 20:15: “The alcohol ban has been reinstated,” the crowd goes wild! Network lines go crazy, network providers are experiencing a surge in the data bundles being purchased by […]